
Oh but how I have missed our conversations terribly!
Those new puppies are so cute…so is Dallas!  What a darling boy…and that little princess on hold is a cutie patootie. Callie Hope has grown from a cute spirited little puppie into a beautiful little girl!   Don’t get me wrong, she is still spirited (to say the least) but she is growing up…and too fast!!! She went last Tuesday 4/6 for her first grooming since yours.  She did wonderfully well, trying to nip the clippers only a  time or two.  The groomer we use was very pleased with her and thinks she’s just lovely.  Of course, we already knew  that!!!  We are absolutely amazed at how much she looks like Sadie…it is incredible!  I’ve attached some photos for  your pleasure.

She’s now had all her puppy shots so we’ve taken her to the park 3 times in the last 4 days.  Were it not for the rain,  she’d be there tonight too.  She’s a bit of a sled dog, but she has already stopped pulling as much as she did the first time.  I don’t think I’ve seen a dog learn so quickly.

You know, Cheryl, God is so good.  How thankful we are that He led us to you!  Callie is a happy, healthy, well adjusted,little girl.  And we have you to thank for that.  The attention you gave her those first 8 weeks have prepared her for a lifetime of joy.  She absolutely adores little children and at the sound of a child’s voice, even on TV, her full attention is on the child. She has learned to sit, shake, down and rollover.  We’re still working on come and stay; we feel that those are the most important commands for her.

It is our sincerest prayer that you and Charlie will be blessed and continue raising the most wonderful cockers I’ve ever seen for many years to come.
Much love,