
Joey is a sweet, 27 lb., red and white male.

Mr. Joey is so attached to his ball that he rarely can take the time to breed. We call him the funny boy. He does the funnest things and has a very sweet personality. It took him forever to learn how to breed the girls. and all the while he didn’t want to put his ball down.

We put his food in the dish and he had to make a choice… Do I eat… or do I hold my ball. Is there a way I can do both? You could tell he was trying to figure out how to do both… and then you could see the wheels beginning to turn in his head and all of a sudden… He gets an idea.. He slowly puts the ball down.. Put his foot on top of the ball and began to eat his food. He will not take a chance of someone taking his ball. I think Joey would play ball for hours on end if given the opportunity. He loves children, is very gentle and easy going…

Rarely barks but will greet people with a wagging tail and a ball or even two in his mouth. He loves the opportunity to play.